Let me Die, Please!
Broken dreams & unfulfilled desires ripens,
And expectations questioning the reasons.
I can’t understand life, I accept my defeat,
Life is too cryptic & beyond my belief.
Tempting a rabbit with a carrot is an old game.
Why didn’t I understand it when my turn came?
Every triumph is accompanied by a new destiny.
Tired and spent is that man in me.
Someone make me understand.
I’m just a puppet in his hands.
My life is controlled by his commands.
There is no room for my desires & demands.
Now I’m really feeling exhausted.
All my strength and confidence looted.
Each day turning me more insane.
And every breath ushering immense pain.
I’m no longer in control of myself.
My will has died, now no one can help.
My guts are dead, I’m no longer brave.
And my ultimate destiny is that grave!
But I know, he doesn’t want me to die.
He enjoys me watching me weep and cry.
You win, I lose, now please get out of my way.
Stop giving me false hopes everyday.
This time, I’m really begging.
Believe me, I’m really tired of running.
I’ve had enough, let me rest in peace.
Let me end my life, Please!!!