This is the last poem I’m writing for ‘her’. You people might be wondering who that gal is … Well, She is there with me in my college. It was the first day of her in the college that I fell in love with her. Love-at-the-first-glance kind of of thing. But later when I told her about my feelings, she informed me that she was already in a relationship. Bang, goes my heart into pieces. But still I decided to hang on. During this one year I made lots of attempts to express my love, but she never realized my feelings. So finally I’m giving up.I’ve realized that our relationship has no future. It was on 2008’s Valentine’s Day that I gave her my first poem. And now on this 2009’s Valentine’s Day, I gave her this last poem…So no more posts under this section until someone fills up the vacancy!!    [;)]


Finally I’m giving up

I know you’d be glad

I’m tired of playing this waiting game

Tired of running behind like a mad


Dreamed of you day & night

Loved you with all my might

What more did I expect but some love

Wasn’t it my right??


Dare not you say

You are not beautiful

For at the very first glance

You won my heart’s rule


The perfect steep-Your nose

The most lustrous element-Your hair

Lips-Two loving petals of rose

Eyes-Lies all the wonders there


The smile of your’s-A breeze in May

Best music I’ve heard-Your Voice

The twinkle of your eyes dazed my day

Couldn’t resist it, was I given a choice??


If given a wish to relive one day

To erase it and start it all new

For sure it’d be that day

The day I first saw you


Stories I heard a lot about you

Everyday gossips new

But my love for you was not so cheap

I trusted only one belief-My Love’s true


I know I was just another game

My feelings were like water on stone

Stood there offering my Love & Care

Just to be left unnoticed, all alone


But you won’t be loved anymore

Celebrate! You are free

Or from your Love’s curse

Is it me who’s free!!




TANMAY said...

reality touched in very healthy way..