My Destiny

I remember you once asking me,

Do you believe in Destiny?


A Destiny is nothing but a game,

A mere show of Money, Power & Fame!


But I have different measures of Destiny,

It is something someone you’ve wanted so badly.


For me Destiny is loving you eternally,

It is caring for you selflessly.


For me Destiny is being in your arms forever,

It is leaving you never ever.


For me Destiny is holding ur hand through every thick n thin,

It is having you in my every lose n win.


For me Destiny is making your every dream come true,

It is spending my every second besides you.


For me Destiny is giving you a kiss every night,

It is watching you asleep in the first morning light.


For me Destiny is seeing with you world of wonders,

It is drenching with you in the thunders.


For me Destiny is that shine in your eyes,

It is consoling your every cries.


For me Destiny is making you feel like the princess,

It is building you the best palace.


For me Destiny is watching you laugh & play,

It is to make you happy in every possible way.


For me Destiny is bringing u all the pearls,

It is caressing your brows & your curls.


For me Destiny is being with you on a lonely beach,

It is smelling the scent of your body through d breeze.


For me Destiny is being with you in every phase of life,

It is bringing you home one day as my wife.


For me Destiny is forgetting my fears,

It is showing you all my scars & tears.


For me Destiny is the hope that one day

you’ll understand my love for you,

It is the belief that one day

you’ll care for me as much as I do.


So I think it I clear to you,

That my life is nothing but thoughts of you.


The more I control my feeling, the more it hurts,

I won’t b able to stop loving you until my breath stops first!



This was written on the night before my final exams!



shivi said...

dis iz sweet..

as alwayz..wonderful..!!!